Free vs Paid Traffic Sources

Getting started with affiliate marketing can be a bit challenging to a n00b. There are tons of “gurus” out there on the web who claim to have the secret recipe to making millions from internet marketing. Yet, most of these guys’ biggest source of income are their how-to courses, go figure.

Needless to say, you can get started without dropping a dime on knowledge that’s already freely available out there on the web. You just need to spend some time researching and reading up on the various topics, and form a good plan for your traffic methods.

Most beginners will want to start with free traffic methods, and build up the volume to reinvest in paid traffic sources for long-term scale.

Free Traffic Sources

  • Blogging – A great method for building up followers and targeted mailing lists for a campaign.
  • Websites – Similar to blogs, but with a bit more content and structure. Usually in the form of a service, directory, or resource for learning about a topic related to your campaigns. Good for contextual links, ad placements, and content gateways for mailing lists and incent offers.

Paid Traffic Sources

  • PPC – Pay Per Click (Adsense, Facebook ads, Plenty of Fish, Chase Clicks, etc.)
  • PPV – Pay Per View (TrafficVance, DirectCPV, etc.)
  • Email Marketing (Aweber, Senderr, eInfer, Constant Contact, iContact, etc.)

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