No attachments or Registration Captcha image in SMF after upgrade to 2.0 RC1



No attachments in Simple Machines (SMF) 2.0 RC1 after upgrade. No captcha images in the registration area of SMF 2.0 RC1 after recently upgrading.


Find and replace the code snippets below..


// Walk the right path.      if (!empty($modSettings[‘currentAttachmentUploadDir’]))


if (!is_array($modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’]))

$modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’] = unserialize($modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’]);

$path = $modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’][$dir];



$path = $modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’];

Replace with:

// Walk the right path.

if (!empty($modSettings[‘currentAttachmentUploadDir’]))


if (!is_array($modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’]))

$modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’] = unserialize($modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’]);

$path = $modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’][$modSettings[‘currentAttachmentUploadDir’]];



$path = $modSettings[‘attachmentUploadDir’];

My Personal Experience:

After recently upgrading my 1.1.6 version of SMF to 1.1.9 and having issues with that upgrade, I decided to just go ahead and upgrade to 2.0 RC1 since I’ve been running it on several forums with great success. After a successful upgrade, I tried testing the registration process and the captcha images were not showing. A few minutes later I tried a test post with an attachment and the result was a blank page. I posted another test post without an image and tried modifying it afterward and loading an attachment. That resulted in another blank page. After searching around, I found this code snippet that cured both issues.

Solution referenced from:

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