Over the years I’ve owned and collected a lot of old MacBooks and Apple hardware. Friends upgrade and end up giving me their old MacBooks, I grab deals here and there when I see MBP’s basically being given away. I’ve always love the minimalist style of them and the well-polished design that goes into their hardware. As time goes on, …
UberEats Coming to Puerto Rico Tomorrow with Free Delivery
Without further ado, Uber is expanding its service offerings in Puerto Rico to include the popular food delivery service Uber Eats. They will begin delivery service in the major metro areas like Old San Juan, Condado, Río Piedras, and Guaynabo. We’ll see how quickly they expand the delivery zones based on feedback. From tomorrow (Dec 5th, 2018) @ 10AM it will …
Setting up a Basic WordPress Website
This post will walk you through setting up a basic WordPress website on my hosting company Chase Hosting If you follow this guide, you can be up and running with your very own WordPress blog within the next 5 minutes! To get started, go to http://chasehosting.com/wordpress and fill in the fields as pictured below After signing up for your …
How to deal with Online Scammers
The internet is a wonderful place to do business. It’s fast and easy, and has a global reach unlike any other consumer channel ever created. However, like anything cool (and powerful) … there are also drawbacks and dangers. One of the most worrisome things about doing business online is the sheer multitude of scammers out there. From Nigerian princes begging for help …
New Personal Homepage!
After a few years of dormancy, I’m bringing this domain back online as a personal blog and showcase of my various endeavors and cathartic outlet for the ups and downs of life and business. Basically, anything that doesn’t fit neatly into the mold of one of my other themed blogs or content sites. If it’s about me or my life, look …